

Our Marine & Aquaculture Services


The analysis of marine products and seafood is important for several reasons. Shrimp is an important seafood that is exported to various countries. Disease resistances and growth rate are the two most important traits that have major impacts on the sustainability of shrimp aquaculture. The rate of growth depends upon the net muscle gain during each molt.

Whereby the significant genes and their expression patterns in muscle tissue play a dominant role in shrimp growth performances. DNA tests play a vital role in helping increasing growth by detecting pathogen at the early stage. Molecular tools can be used to identify and characterize important aquatic germ-plasm including many endangered species.

These tools have made it possible to analyse the genomes of many aquatic species. They have also helped us understand the molecular basis of gene regulation, expression and sex determination. We provide DNA-based testing for aqua species testing and inhouse standard methods for pathogen detection in marine species. Other custom testing requirements can also be met based on requirements.

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