

Our Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)


Nugenica offers the latest and best customized NGS services of high quality and accuracy with complete analytical reports to meet your requirements and budgets.

What is NGS

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a technology for determining the sequence of DNA or RNA to study genetic variation associated with diseases or other biological phenomena.  Each of these technologies has utility in today’s genetic analysis environment. Sanger sequencing is best for analyzing small numbers of gene targets and samples and can be accomplished in a single day.  It is also considered the gold-standard sequencing technology, so NGS results are often verified using Sanger sequencing. NGS enables the interrogation of hundreds to thousands of genes at one time in multiple samples, as well as discovery and analysis of different types of genomic features in a single sequencing run, from single nucleotide variants (SNVs), to copy number and structural variants, and even RNA fusions.

Advantages of NGS

NGS provides the ideal throughput per run, and studies can be performed quickly and cost-effectively. Additional advantages of NGS include lower sample input requirements, higher accuracy, and ability to detect variants at lower allele frequencies than with Sanger sequencing. The speed, throughput, and accuracy of NGS has revolutionized genetic analysis and enabled new applications in genomic and clinical research, reproductive health, and environmental, agricultural, and forensic science.



Nugenica offers the latest and best customized NGS services of high quality and accuracy with complete analytical reports to meet your requirements and budgets.


Metagenomics, the field can be defined as the genomic analysis of microbial DNA from environmental communities. Metagenomics tools enable the population analysis of un-culturable or previously unknown microbes. This is important as only around 1-2% of bacteria can be cultured in the laboratory. The ability to identify microbes without a prior knowledge of what a sample contains is opening new doors in disciplines like microbial ecology, virology, microbiology, environmental sciences and biomedical research. Sequencing based examination of the metagenome has become a powerful tool for generating novel hypotheses.

[] 1. Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing |

Shotgun metagenomic sequencing is a relatively new environmental sequencing approach used to examine thousands of organisms in parallel and comprehensively sample all genes, providing insight into community biodiversity and function. Shotgun sequencing allows for the detection of low abundance members of microbial communities. Shotgun metagenomics methods are enabling a deeper analysis of the gut microbiome and how it contributes to, or protects from, disease.

[] 2. ChIP Sequencing Service & Analysis |

ChIP-Seq Service and Analysis is a genomics technique widely used to analyze protein-DNA interactions. It combines ChIP and massively parallel DNA sequencing to identify binding sites for DNA-interacting proteins and can be used to accurately map global binding sites for any protein of interest.

[] 3. Whole Exome Sequencing |

Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), sequences the complete coding region of the genome. It is designed to examine all the coding regions and splice junctions of the genome. This method can be used to identify variations in the protein-coding region of any gene, rather than in only a select few genes.

[] 4. Bisulfite Sequencing Service & Analysis |

Bisulfite Sequencing Service is an essential combination of bisulfite conversion and next generation sequencing (NGS). This technology is the basic tool for genome-wide DNA methylation analysis.

[] 5. MeDIP Sequencing Service & Analysis |

MeDIP-Seq Service and analysis helps understand the functional effects of DNA methylation on phenotypic plasticity. This requires a technique of balancing accuracy, genome coverage, resolution and cost, but low DNA input to minimize the consumption of precious samples.

[] 6. De novo Whole Genome Sequencing Service & Analysis |

De novo sequencing service analyzes the de novo sequencing data. This refers to sequencing a novel genome where there is no reference sequence available for alignment. Sequence reads are assembled as contigs, and the coverage quality of de novo sequence data depends on the size and continuity of the contigs (i.e., the number of gaps in the data). With de novo sequencing data analysis, the first genome map for a species is generated, providing a valuable reference sequence for phylogenetic studies, analysis of species diversity, mapping of specific traits and genetic markers, and other genomics research.

[] 7. Genotyping By Service & Analysis |

Genotyping By Sequencing (GBS) has been successfully used in implementing genome-wide association study (GWAS), genomic diversity study, genetic linkage analysis, molecular marker discovery and genomic selection under a large scale of plant breeding programs.

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