Water has its own requirements for composition and purity for different purposes. Each body of water needs to be analyzed on a regular basis to conform to suitability needs. Water analyses are carried out to identify and quantify the chemical components and properties of water samples. The type and sensitivity of the analysis depends on the purpose of the analysis and the anticipated use of the water. Many aspects of academic and industrial research such as in pharmaceuticals.
Health products, and many others rely on accurate water analysis to identify substances, to refine those substances, and ensure that when they used in manufacture, the chemical composition remains consistent. Detection of food and water pathogens is also an issue of major concern. Bio Analytica offers various tests to check the physical, chemical, microbiological composition and molecular based analysis of water to desired specifications and requirements for environmental water.
Drinking water and water for industrial use.
DNA-based methods are simple, sensitive, specific, and able to detect accurately even in low amounts of the target. This makes it a valuable tool for the rapid and accurate detection specially of food and water borne pathogens. Food and water samples are particularly challenging due to their complex matrices and the potential presence of interfering substances that may impair the subsequent applications.
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